Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Preferred Mindset

Here is a list of the primary synapses, connections, I want to hold in my mind:

  • God is Love, and nothing else.
  • Only Love is real.
  • If it is not love, it is not real.
  • I exist in the Mind of God and He is in me.
  • I am of inestimable worth to God.
  • So are you.
  • Because God loves His creation, which is a part of Him.
  • The Light, the Great Rays of God, is in you and I will to see only That.
  • I accept His joy, peace and love as my reality.
  • I deny my ego, anti-love thoughts, in favor of love.
  • When I do this I am free.
  • I put all my faith in God.

I Ponder: How hard it is to put the horse before the cart; that is, seek God first and let everything else follow. How necessary it is for me to see love in you if I want to authentically know it in my self. How many anti-love thoughts I have hoarded over the years and how many to give to Jesus for healing. How necessary to give up the anti-love in order to have love. The decision to have peace and joy seems easy, but I have to try again so frequently. Every time I see I've had an anti-love thought instead of love, I give it to Jesus. I re-make the decision and go on with my day. I really would rather live in love than hate and fear. God offers me this if I give up my anti-love. I am starting to re-coil from my anti-love as from a hot stove. I don't want it. I want love. Wanting love opens the door to receiving it.

In love, I am free.

Freedom is putting the horse before the cart.

Freedom is turning my life over to the care of God.

I love freedom. I love peace. Life is so much easier.

It is lovely outside. Perfect for a ten mile run.

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