Tuesday, October 6, 2009


From A Course in Miracles (ACIM) text 19.I:

- By faith, you offer the gift of freedom from the past…
- It (faith) is the gracious acknowledgement of everyone as a Son of your most loving Father…
- (By faith) You see the Christ in him (your brother)…
- Faith is the gift of God, through Him (the Holy Spirit) Whom God has given you…
- For faith arises from the Holy Spirit’s perception…

Yesterday, I found out that there is no early morning Mass this week. My immediate thought was, “Good. I am off the hook.” This is because I have more time for ACIM study and meditation and running if I don’t go to Mass. So now I know my truth, what it is about my relationship with God that I value the most.

So, I studied for an hour and 15 minutes, then I went for a 40 minute run. It was a very heavy sprinkle, so I wore my old orange illuminight jacket, thinking I would get a little rain protection. I ran extremely well down hills which means that I can smoke the down hills in my next race. My achilles did not bother me on the up hills and isn't talking to me now. After a most pleasant run, I came home with my jacket soaked. Well, I guess after ten years and numerous sprayings with camp dry, that jacket can’t do rain any more. So…I have already logged on to REI Inc. and ordered a new high visibility water repellent jacket. So there!

I focused on faith this morning. ACIM is not for everyone or it wouldn’t be 669 pages of fine print. The concepts are outside the box. For myself, I had to realize that what is inside the box is very narrow and mainly false before I could accept ACIM. Now, studying ACIM, the door is wide open to loving Christ in all and having a very personal relationship with God and Jesus, my brother. The door is open to changing my thoughts and perceptions so that the world is much more peaceful. The door is open to escaping the ego prison in which most of us live (and even value more that God). Love, freedom from ego and Jesus are what I really want out of life. So, I keep learning. I keep taking my inventory.

In terms of 12 Step spirituality, my life is dedicated to Steps 10, 11 and 12; which should be the ultimate goal of any program of sobriety.

God, I offer myself to you, to do with me and build with me as you will...I pray for knowledge of your will for me and the power to carry it out. Selah!

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