Friday, February 12, 2021

Polar Retreat Day 6

 It was colder and windier outside today. So I didn't go running outside. Instead, I used my elliptical, ski machine, rowing machine, and ex-bike, plus lifting weights. Some chores even got done. Tomorrow, I plan to run on the treadmill.

While working out, I listened to Trump's defense lawyers. If that was the only side of the matter I ever heard, I'd believe that Trump was an angel. Good thing that I am currently a college rhetoric student so that I can judge the sophists of both sides of the argument. Both sides edit films and quote people out of context. One really needs to question the data of both sides.

Today is Friday. This weekend is to be below zero degrees Fahrenheit, plus maybe some snow Sunday or Monday. But then Tuesday the temperature start to climb to more reasonable highs, like +10 degreesF. 

Patience. Patience. I purchased an Abraham Hicks live broadcast for tomorrow afternoon. I have English writing to do. I've been working on my own book. 

I appreciate that my heating works. I have food. I have books. I have the internet and electronic devices. I appreciate my exercise equipment. I appreciate Amazon for bringing stuff to my door. I appreciate my garage which is keeping my car from getting radically cold. I appreciate thought provoking English assignments. Overall, I am doing really well, even if slightly more confined than I want to be. This too shall pass.

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