Sunday, February 7, 2021

Polar Retreat 2021 - Day 1

 For about 10 days, at least as far as I can see from the weather forecast, it will be very cold here, with intermittent snow. A couple of days ago, I thought maybe I would run down to Texas and skip this weather. But I would have had to drive 12 hours, and it looked like it was going to be cold and rainy on the Gulf Coast. So why do that?

Last night, I decided to put on my big girl pants and face my situation. An then it struck me. I could have a somewhat deeper retreat during this time. I can't go outside as much but that is the only real difference between all this snow and cold and regular February cold without the snow. Less driving around is a good idea, but the car still needs to be warmed up occasionally. 

Acceptance. Non-resistant thought. All my machines, like the heaters, internet, computer, and treadmill, work fine. I made a list of things I've been putting off which can be done around the house. Acceptance. Stop pushing against the weather and enjoy things as they are. 

The retreat is something of an exercise in conscious awareness. That is, how am I feeling right now? What should I do about it? Stop and tap into that bigger consciousness that has been with me all my life. That bigger consciousness is what matters and it never leaves me. That said, I don't think this Polar Retreat will be a religiously focused retreat. I call it a retreat because I have to step back from the world, but maintain sanity. 

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Retreat---a good word with many connotations. I hope your polar retreat is good, and that you also decide to take that retreat to Texas.