Monday, February 15, 2021

Polar Day 9

Temperatures are below zero degrees Fahrenheit. They will stay that way for another 24 hours.  Snow on the ground and maybe a little more to come. It is snowing lightly now. The salt truck has been through my complex, but I don't know what that will do given the severe temperatures.

Goggins DNF -- In so far as a workout at 11 pm precludes sleep, and since I was filled with endorphins, I grew confused as to why I am doing a Goggins. If lots of workouts were not going to tire me out so I can sleep, then why should I do them? At 2:30 am, being awake, I shut off the alarm. My body relaxed and I felt closer to sleep. When I woke up at 7 am, I did not immediately jump on the treadmill. I went to the coffee and the morning reflection and reading.  I noticed that Billy Yang did his Goggins with a zoom meeting of 150 people and Goggins himself. Doing it by yourself might cause you to wonder why. I am not Goggins. Still, working out all day does help me to get through this terrible polar vortex. There will be workouts today, but of the cross-training type. My knees are somewhat tired of the treadmill anyway.

Today, workouts will be mostly using elliptical, rower, ex-bike, and ski machines. I need to lift weights. I probably will walk on the treadmill some as well. 

I have an English Rhetoric zoom lecture today. I have been struggling with friction. There is friction between what I want to say about Plato's Allegory of the Cave and what the teacher seems to want to be said. She has given bullet points to address in our essay, but my interests would point in a different direction. However, this morning, I think I was able to piece together a point of view that would cover the bullet points and my opinions. Plato's allegory is about the spiritual journey to the knowledge of The Sun, and the enlightened person's responsibility to return to the world. 

Diagram of Plato's Cave:

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