Friday, February 20, 2015

Running Meditation

Peace in my mind
Be love my heart

I've been taking seriously the need to train my thoughts. I realize that 90% of my thoughts are little resentments. Like: people shouldn't let their dogs poop in the middle of the trail. People shouldn't littler. People shouldn't eat that....drink that...smoke that. Driving too slow. Driving too fast. Parking in the wrong area. You get the point. Never mind that I get paid big bucks to do this all day long at work.

But I want conscious contact with some other awareness. I don't know if it is the intuitive part of my brain or an actual Higher Self, Spirit or God. I want contact. I've wanted it for decades.

If let go of enlightenment. I'm worried that my 56 year old brain is getting a little crusty. People's behavior at work has been especially annoying. So I keep up the spiritual practice and even intensify.

I do really well with mantras. But they need to be somewhat short. When I am doing the Course in Miracles work book, the daily lesson is the mantra. For now, I am more focused on recovery writings so I need to make my own short prayer.

Today, I had time off work. I ran 17.x miles in 4 hours. It was beautiful. The whole time, I felt the phrases in my mind.

Peace in my mind
Be love my heart

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