Friday, May 1, 2020

Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee

Today, May 1, I began my virtual journey across Tennessee. I hope to arrive at the end of this journey before August 31. So you see, this is a long term commitment.  I believe that looking towards the future brings that future into existence.

Here is a map of the race course:

I went 15.15 miles today. Here is a snap shot of where I m on the course, the middle of nowhere:

Here are my Strava records, I went for two runs:

During my first run I was along the Missouri River. This water that passed me by will eventually make it to the Mississippi River, and pass by the place where the virtual run starts.

Hummm... This is a long virtual race. 625 miles. Will I post a daily update? No, probably not. There are 13,777 participants at the moment. Some of the money goes to food banks. 5 minutes later 13,811. Seriously, maybe every runner in the world is signing up.

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