In the quiet of my consciousness, in the depths of my heart, what do I really want? How do I want to feel about being alive or while being alive? How do I want to be? During this time of decreased social interaction, my focus is on being. There is little else to my life at the moment. So what I want is ways of thinking and feeling and being, quite separate from society.
1. The consciousness of Life Itself: Life Itself comes to me as an actual presence that I can feel. Life Itself is what some would call a higher power or god. Life Itself is a pure consciousness that comes and inhabits and lives as one with me. This is what gets me out of bed, or goes running, or does homework for school.
2. Well being: My life has been filled with well being for the past couple of years. I meditate every morning with a well being meditation. My intention is to increase my reliance on well being, to intend for well being consciously. To segment intend well being for each daily interaction.
3. The Art of Allowing: Mostly allowing or generating non-resistant thought. To inventory my thought and continuously consciously choose what I want to think about which helps me to feel good.
4. Appreciation and positive aspects: Every night, I make a list of things I appreciate that day. The list might be a simple material thing, like my car, or a non-physical thing like inspiration. I recognize when I felt awesome and the sunrise which was awesome.
5. Joy: I forget this one all the time. But joy can be felt at any moment if consciously chosen or focused on. Joy feels good. I can do it.
6. Expansion of mental states: Greater depth of thought. I recognize through my 2020 philosophy class that I was superficial in my thinking. I want to embrace the study of philosophy, which means greater depth.
7. Abundance of Existence: Abundance is a feeling greater than how much money you have. I want to and can feel abundance. The abundance of existence is not necessarily running around doing impressive things, but a feeling of abundance from the inside. Like I have an abundance of heart.
Yes, I will continue to be a scholar and an athlete. Marathons will be run, weights lifted, college attended, bills paid, meetings, groceries, chores. Material life will be lived. My intentions are about the quality of daily life. I bring Life Itself into my life, my consciousness.
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